
30 Years of Dedicated Service - Exclusive in the Eye Care Industry

Your practice is the most valuable investment you own. Your most important assets are your people, your associates, and your personnel who work toward your practice's professional and economic success. To safeguard your continued success, your practice must grow and evolve to meet the needs of your patients while addressing changes in the health care environment. The successful addition of a new ophthalmologist, optometrist, optician, technician, or administrator can help your practice successfully negotiate tomorrow's health care challenges. The decision to add an associate represents a significant economic investment. The success or failure of your choice can represent thousands - even millions - of dollars over the life of the relationship. The Eye Group brings the skill set, experience, and exclusive dedication to the vision care field to guarantee a well-implemented strategy, conclude a successful negotiation, and lay the foundation for a stable long-term relationship.

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A Description of Our Services

Retainer Services

Our retainer clients are our top priority. A retainer search is an active and thorough search which is more personalized to meet the needs of your practice and allows for an expedient completion of the search engagement.

  • Sourcing includes a search of our internal data base of active candidates, and extensive telephone contacts beginning with physicians located in your state producing candidates with "roots" in your area. Mailings are also utilized and sent to specific specialties that are identified by our clients.
  • Comprehensive reference investigations, medical license verification, and department of motor vehicle check are completed on all candidates presented
  • Set up a model visit plan
  • Assist in contract negotiations
  • Post placement follow up to assure a long-term relationship
  • Six month guarantee: if the candidate you hire is terminated within six months of employment, The Eye Group will replace the candidate for no additional fee.
  • 50% of the fee will initiate the search and 50% is due on completion of the search, that is, when a candidate accepts your position

Contingency Service

Only qualified and interested candidates are presented to you, thereby saving you interview time and expenses.

  • Listing your position with The Eye Group is free of charge
  • Our fee is due only when a physician candidate that we present to your practice accepts the position